Summer 2021 Flextime Work Schedule Guidelines
06/08/2021, 10:30:01 AM
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University of Houston Human Resources

Colleges and divisions may implement a flex workweek for regular, full-time staff during the summer.
In compliance with University of Houston MAPP 02.04.02 - Hours of Work policy, a summer work schedule has been established for the University of Houston, subject to the following guidelines:

  • Participation by departments and employees is strictly voluntary. However, employees who elect to participate, and who are approved, must remain on the summer work schedule for at least one pay period.
  • Department directors are responsible for ensuring compliance with state requirements concerning working hours for state agencies:
    • All business hours are between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, or as required by the department.
    • It is a state requirement that all regular, full-time employees work 40 hours per week. Exempt employees are eligible with management approval to participate in the summer flextime work schedule, but are expected to work all necessary hours to satisfactorily accomplish their job requirements.
  • The summer work schedule will begin on June 9, 2021, and end on Aug. 3, 2021, for non-exempt employees
  • The summer work schedule will begin on June 8, 2021, and end on July 30, 2021, for exempt employees. 
  • A "typical department workweek" might consist of:
    • Four nine-hour days Monday through Thursday and one four-hour day on Friday; or
    • Four 10-hour days with one day off during the workweek.
      • These schedules do not include lunch breaks.  
  • The week of the July 4th Holiday, all employees will be required to work their regular workweek.
  • The summer work schedule will not result in overtime costs.

Some employees and departments may not be eligible to participate due to the nature of their services and/or around-the-clock coverage. Likewise, not all jobs can be adapted to a flexible work schedule.

To participate in the summer work schedule program:

  1. The employee must submit a request in writing to his or her immediate supervisor.
  2. The supervisor reviews the request and approves or disapproves. The supervisor is responsible for ensuring that all business hours are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, or as required by the department.
  3. The supervisor obtains any necessary approvals established within their division and notifies the employee of the status of the request as soon as possible. 

Questions concerning the summer flex work schedule should be directed to the Human Resources Customer Service Center at 713-743-3988.

Thank you,

Gaston Reinoso
Associate VC/VP, Human Resources
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