Harnessing Our Collective Capacity
08/01/2022, 09:45:02 AM
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Aug. 1, 2022

All – Happy Monday and first day of August! I am deeply honored that today also marks my first as interim dean for the College. I am grateful to many of you who have, over the last several weeks of transition, shared your wonderings, worries, and hopes. Change can often feel destabilizing. Please know that over the next week, my intent is to be able to share with you the full administrative leadership team for the coming year.

Kristen Hassett

I am excited to share that Dr. Kristen Hassett has generously agreed to serve a one-year term as interim chair of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies effective today. Kristen joined the faculty in 2010 and has served with distinction as program director for the Special Populations M.Ed., undergraduate program, and certification. I am thankful, in advance, for the leadership she will continue to bring in this new role.

As the remainder of our leadership structure is finalizing, I cannot miss an opportunity to publicly thank Drs. Sesa Edgar and Consuelo Arbona for the unwavering generosity of time and talent shared in their respective associate dean positions. Their work has been difference making for thousands; they represent the best of what the College can and should be on behalf of students. I am forever grateful.

I know many are wrapping up summer travel, but if you’re around Farish this week and have a minute, feel free to stop by my office (FH 214) to say hi. I’ll have snacks! And looking forward to seeing everyone at the Faculty & Staff Breakfast and First Lecture on Friday, August 19.

As we move quickly to the start of this new year together, I am heartened and humbled by the College’s deep and meaningful capacity to live our mission — to lead and inspire generative transformation with the goal of ending inequities in education and health. While the next several weeks will continue to be a time of transition, what lies in front of us is boundless opportunity to continue to serve our communities as a hub for collective action. Let’s harness our superpowers and continue to change the world for better!


Cathy Horn, Ph.D.
Moores Professor and Interim Dean
UH College of Education
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