Handling COVID-19 Resource Requests
04/01/2020, 09:50:01 AM
University of Houston System

Dear UHS Faculty and Staff,

Something this extraordinary crisis has shown us is how connected we are and that, in a time of dire need, we as individuals, organizations and communities pull together to support the greater good. Just as we saw after Hurricane Harvey, and after 9/11, once again our universities are stepping up to provide critical resources, whether it’s personal protective equipment (PPE) or use of facilities to fight COVID-19.

To do this efficiently, without duplication, and in a manner that is most beneficial for our health care and other communities in need, we must be organized. Therefore, I ask of you the following:

  • That you funnel all requests through the UH System Office of Government Relations. My office will account for all requests and offers for resources and facilities and work directly with UHS Office of General Counsel to create MOUs for each.
  • If you as faculty or staff receive a request, you are asked to contact me directly to help facilitate the request at jsmith10@uh.edu or 281.910.2064.
  • If you have already provided PPE or other materials to those in need, we request that you contact my office to provide the details so that we can retroactively send an MOU.

Our universities and our people are generous. As an integral part of our communities, we want to support in any way possible this fight against COVID-19. Working together we will defeat it. Thank you for your generosity and your cooperation.


Jason S. M. Smith (’09), M.C.M
Vice Chancellor for Governmental Relations
University of Houston System
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