Taking a Look Back at an Exciting Year Full of Successes
It’s been a truly exciting year and this issue offers a great opportunity to reflect, share and celebrate the terrific teamwork that has led us to the success of where we are today.
In the A&F SP.I.R.I.T. of giving, excellence in customer service and community outreach, this month’s issue features how we celebrated with colleagues from across the University the 10-Year Anniversary of Finals Mania — a milestone event with more than 1,000 hungry participants — as well as the incredible response of the A&F Totes for PEEPS initiative across the Division that benefited our valued campus community partners at the College of Education’s PEEPs Pantry program.
Your contributions to our overall success and the overarching mission of the University of Houston are a great example of the A&F S.P.I.R.I.T. of collaborative partnerships. As we head into the flurry of the holiday season, I want to personally thank you for the terrific work that each of you have been a part of in your work groups throughout the year.
From Human Resources to UIT, Public Art to Public Safety, the Office of Administration, Auxiliary Services and University Services, Houston Public Media, Facilities and Construction Management, Campus Safety and Finance, as well as our many valued contractors and community partners, you each have truly embraced the A&F S.P.I.R.I.T. of service excellence in your department and program areas.
As we are now coming to the end of the calendar year, the future for 2019 looks very promising and bright. It has been your dedication and hard work that has led us to this point, and I also know that the A&F team S.P.I.R.I.T. will enable us to reach even greater heights in the new year.
Thank you all for a great year, and very best wishes for a safe and happy holiday season!
Best regards,
Jim McShan
Senior Vice Chancellor and
Senior Vice President