The University of Houston
Staff Council
General Meeting
Thursday, December 3, 2020
1:30 PM – 3:30 PM
Join Microsoft Teams Meeting
Featuring Special Guests
University of Houston’s Human Resources,
UH Athletics’ Marketing & Promotions, and PowerUp Wellness.
Each special guest will have a brief Q&A at the conclusion of their presentation.
To submit a question, complete this Special Guest Question Form.
The form will close at noon on Wednesday prior to the Staff Council General Meeting.
Follow Staff Council’s Twitter and Instagram @UHstaffcouncil.

Staff Council invites you and your family to Staff Night at the Houston Women’s Basketball VS Stephen F. Austin game on Friday, December 11, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.
Enjoy discounted tickets to come watch your women's basketball team take on Stephen F. Austin. For more information, please contact the Houston Athletic Ticket Office at 713.GOCOOGS (468.6647).
General reserved tickets are $5 each. Visit to buy your tickets.

Staff Council is adopting four families in the Greater Third Ward area in partnership with the University of Houston’s Third Ward Initiative during the month of December from Blackshear Elementary School, Yates High School, SHAPE Community Center, and Project Row Houses Young Mother’s program to provide essential items to those families while spreading a little holiday cheer.
To participate in this and other community outreach initiatives sponsored by UH Staff Council please visit the Staff Council Community Outreach (Ad Hoc) Committee webpage.
The 2020 Staff Council Sock & Blanket Drive, benefiting Star of Hope Mission, will run Monday, December 14th, through Thursday, December 17th. Both new and clean, gently used items are needed.
Download a printable list of items needed and safety protocols.
Pre-register to participate in the Sock & Blanket Drive.

Hear the latest safety and security campus updates from Chief Ceaser Moore as part of your next virtual organizational meeting. From SGA, Staff Council, Faculty Senate, and more, UHPD has been meeting virtually with student, staff, and faculty partners.
Call Markenna Pharr (713) 743-0270 or send an email to for more details and calendar scheduling opportunities.
Visit the Stay Cougar Safe website for resources and more information. |