UH Today September 9, 2020
09/09/2020, 04:00:01 PM

Venkat Selvamanickam, M.D. Anderson Chair Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Venkat Selvamanickam, M.D. Anderson Chair Professor of Mechanical Engineering, will lead a $1.5 million project to develop high temperature superconducting magnets. Made from low-cost raw materials, they would be capable of handling high currents in a magnetic field greater than 20 Tesla, a unit used to measure the strength of magnetic fields. The earth’s magnetic field, by comparison, is about 0.0001 Tesla.


Brgoch Wins 2020 Junior Faculty Award
Jakoah Brgoch, associate professor of chemistry, is the recipient of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics 2020 Junior Faculty Award for Excellence in Research. He and his research group develop functional inorganic materials. They synthesize new compounds for application, whether that is for energy-efficient LED-based lighting or for super-hard materials used in saw blades or drill bits.

Bauer Researcher Examines Effectiveness of Promotional Incentives
Research by Nina Huang, associate professor and Bauer Fellow in the Department of Decision & Information Sciences, is among the first to provide answers to the effectiveness of online promotional incentives. Her conclusive results point up the importance of shareability and a sense of exclusivity, and are already being utilized by a leading online dealmaker similar to Groupon.

Campus Recreation Opens Safely with Limited Hours, Reduced Capacity
Working out at the Campus Recreation Center looks different now due to changes in occupancy, cashless transitions and other safety precautions. Staff members prepared a reopening plan that adheres to state rules, the Centers for Disease Control recommendations, and additional instructions from organizations like the American Red Cross, USA Swimming, Climbing Wall Association, and others.


Fall 2020 Visiting Speaker Series: Aruna D'Souza
Thursday, Sept. 17
Aruna D'Souza kicks off the School of Art’s Fall 2020 Visiting Speaker Series at 7 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 17. D'Souza is a curator and arts critic who writes about modern and contemporary art; intersectional feminisms and other forms of politics. This fall, the series will be broadcast via Zoom, YouTube Live and Facebook Live. All lectures are free and open to the public.

Note: Views expressed in these articles do not necessarily reflect those of the University of Houston.

Inside Higher Ed 

Responding to Rise in Campus Anti-Semitism
As reports show harassment and attacks on Jewish students at an all-time high, advocates are calling on university administrators to forcefully condemn anti-Semitism and work more aggressively to address and prevent it. 


‘It’s a Bummer’: College Students Share What Returning to Campus Is Like Right Now
CNBC Make It spoke with college students across the nation about what college during Covid-19 is like right now. 

Education Dive  

Colleges Met with Strikes, Collective Action over Fall Reopening Plans
Experts say strikes are more likely on campuses where administrators don't consult with faculty members before making decisions or forge agreements with their unions about pandemic-related concerns.


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